3 Things that will improve your dancing

What 3 things will improve your dancing?

3 things that will improve your dancing. Technique, Strength and Flexibility, Method Dance Program, Dance Teacher, Dance Studio

At the Method Dance Program our focus is first and foremost: how do we get dancers training at the level they want as quickly as possible. With that in mind, we aligned the entire program around 3 key areas of focus. These areas have the greatest impact on a dancer’s training. So, what are the 3 things that we feel will improve your dancing?

Technique. Strength. Flexibility.

How do these 3 things improve your dancing?

If you focus on these key areas your dancers will become more well rounded. Specifically speaking, control and mastery of finite technical details will make your dancers look more polished. Here’s how: a turned out foot on a kick, and a beautiful straight ankle in a turn might go unnoticed, but the opposite will stick out like a sore thumb. In addition, when your dancers are strong they will have higher kicks, higher jumps, more consistent turns. Not only that, but they will be well conditioned to execute their entire routine without showing fatigue. Lastly, flexibility that is supported by excellent technique and the strength to use it, will leave your audiences and judges spellbound. Your dancers will be show stoppers! Do you want to use our program to do it? Click Here!

Dancer Teachers – are you using these 3 things to improve your dancers?


Technique – Anyone get the passive note on their score cards at competition: “take more ballet classes”? It’s something we have all seen, but it’s a bit deeper than just adding in another ballet class. What you really need is more focus on the details of your student’s technique.

It is clear that as a dance teacher, you know what technique is. The real question here is do you focus on it enough? Exact placement and technical knowhow comes from hours of practice. When you are creating exercises, make sure you focus on the technique at hand. If you don’t, the result could be that you are wasting your time during those hours of practice. In dance, the beauty is in the details and details are not always super fun. They often take a lot of repetition and focus on finite details. But don’t let this distract you, focus on tech, it’s a big deal! We promise, you won’t regret it.


Strength – When we see backup dancers on stage at a concert, or ballet dancers in a ballet, or a dancer in a Broadway show they always seem so incredibly….STRONG! I always notice this when I am watching a dancer perform, no matter what the discipline is. It takes great strength to execute many dance movements and that strength translates into beauty. Why? Because dancers all do something that has mystified audiences for generations: they make it look easy. Unfortunately, without strength, those legs won’t float up to the sky as if they were on a string.


Flexibility – Flexibility is a big part of being able to execute a lot of movements in dance. And I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but it is not enough to tell your dancers to stretch at home. An entire class of flexible students only comes from one thing: the way you teach. In order to get the results you are looking for, you need to teach in a way that is constantly working on flexibility directly and indirectly. At the end of the day, the only way I have seen results is to weave flexibility into the entire class plan.

How do you do it? There should be a progression through class where you are working on flexibility in a number of different ways. The real magic in this formula is that you need to take breaks. You have to balance your class out between each of the 3 areas of focus: tech, strength, flexibility. It has to be woven through the fabric of your entire time with your students to maximize the impact.

How can the Method Dance Program Help?

The main reason for implementing the Method Dance Program is to help focus your programming. This program will not teach you a style, or say you need to teach technique a specific way. Instead, we have done all of the planning. We have mapped everything out so your focus remains steadfast and true to your big picture goals. It’s a program that teachers can follow every week with confidence. We have mapped everything down to the most finite detail so you can teach each week seamlessly, knowing that the big picture goals are being worked on in some capacity. The result is that you will become confident in the consistency of your overall programming.

If you would like to know more about how our program works, click here!

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